Affiliate Disclosure

Most of the products and pages of this website contain affiliate links. When you use these links, you will be directed to another website that we are an affiliate of. When a purchase is made, we will be paid a small commission which does not affect the price you pay for the item.

As you will be buying these affiliate products from a third-party, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, quality, timely delivery or reliability of the product. We do try to only list products of high-quality and from reputable providers, however, there could be times when the quality of the product varies to what we have found to be true.

The third-party merchants will also have their own privacy policies and data collection policies that you will need to check and may differ from our own. You can view our privacy policy on the website.

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.